The Intestines

I must admit, when Gary asked me to start work on the large intestines, I had the fear! :D
It's a good fear though, it aids in the journey to achieve as high a standard as possible.
The large intestines fit over the right upper corner of the small intestines and loops across to the left corner. I had to make a piece that would fit around the small intestines, yet not obstruct any drawers - both stomach and small intestine drawers. The large intestines also had a unique pattern and finished under the intestines at the rectum.
A wee challenge methinks!

I started off measuring lengths of poly with roughly the height, length and width that I would want the bowel to be. I made each side one by one, with thoughts of 2 part foaming it all together so it would fit snuggly round the small intestines. The challenge was to realise the shape from all angles, which is why its' impportant to get good references at the start.
The poly we bought had such huge particles - it was great for removing areas of poly quickly.

While I created the shape, I had to keep checking how it fit with the other pieces.

Poylstyrene is one of these materials you have a love/hate relationship with. I love it as it's so easy to carve into, but it gets everywhere! It seems to electrically charge and I found snow showers of poly appear when I got home and attempted to get changed.

Once I had the shape complete, I just added in the detail and gave it a coat of jesmonite, after checking again that it fit around the other pieces.
I kept a small ridge underneath, which Gary renamed the 'heel', to ensure the bowel sat up and over the intestines.

It looks a bit like the reference! :D

All together...

This was a great wee job! I reaslied how much I love working with polystyrene sculpting and how easy I found it. I'd love to work on a huge piece - that'd be a real challenge.

1 comment:

Suraj said...

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